


Stadt Kloten
Kirchgasse 7
8302 Kloten


Freizeit + Sport
Schluefweg 10
8302 Kloten

Öffnungszeiten: www.schluefweg.ch

Schule Kloten

Pflegezentrum im Spitz
Schulstrasse 22

Spitex Stadt Kloten
Dorfstrasse 56

Lindenstrasse 31

Dorfstrasse 58


Welcome to Kloten

How to make a new city feel like home?

In the section "Themen" you will find a lot of information about housing, seniors, integration, and a lot more. With this information, we would like to help you orient yourself in the city of Kloten.


Do you have questions about moving to Kloten, leaving or changing address?

Do you have questions about moving to Kloten, leaving or changing address?


Here you will find important information for your integration process.

Here you will find important information for your integration process.

Waste disposal

Here you will find the right answer to all your questions about "waste disposal" in Kloten.

Here you will find the right answer to all your questions about "waste disposal" in Kloten.


You will find a lot of useful information here.

You will find a lot of useful information here.

Kids & Youngsters

Where can you find childcare options? How does a child learn the German language best?

You will find answers to these and other questions here.

Where can you find childcare options? How does a child learn the German language best?

You will find answers to these and other questions here.


What is offered for senior citizens? Where do elderly people meet and where can I find information about counselling centres? This and much more information can be found in this section.

What is offered for senior citizens? Where do elderly people meet and where can I find information about counselling centres? This and much more information can be found in this section.


Where can you find job offers and continuing education courses? What do you have to do if you become unemployed? You will find some information here.

Where can you find job offers and continuing education courses? What do you have to do if you become unemployed? You will find some information here.


What can you do in Kloten on your leisure time? Do you have a hobby that you would like to develop? Here we give you all the information that you need.

What can you do in Kloten on your leisure time? Do you have a hobby that you would like to develop? Here we give you all the information that you need.